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About The Clinic

Looking To Be Well?

It is becoming increasingly difficult in our modern age to be and stay well. For-profit drug companies and multinational food conglomerates have been distorting our perception of health and nutrition. Too often we are told that pain and dysfunction are a “normal” part of aging or that we shouldn’t expect great gains after an injury or set-back.

In our modern, fast-paced society it can be difficult to tune in to ourselves and really evaluate our own state of health and to know where and how to make changes for the better. It was in response to those needs that Advance Family Chiropractic & Massage Therapy was created in 2002.

For over a decade our team has been striving to provide the best in:


Our goal is to listen, to understand and to provide education and treatment of the highest calibre according to your individual needs.

We strongly believe that your body’s ability to heal is greater than you have been given permission to believe and we are committed to identifying and removing the barriers between you and the fullest expression of your potential.